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最后更新: 2023-11-07 16:11
浏览次数: 51

Introduction to Mcville Industrial Groups 700X Water Pump Control Valve


Mcville Industrial Group is a company specialized in the manufacturing of water pump control valves. The 700X water pump control valve is a high-quality product widely used in various industrial and civil fields. This article will introduce the original design and technical features of the 700X water pump control valve.



Product Overview

The 700X water pump control valve is an automatic control valve used to control the start and stop of water pumps and adjust the water flow rate. The valve adopts advanced hydraulic control technology and has the characteristics of smooth start, high adjustment accuracy, and strong reliability. The valve is suitable for various water pump systems, including urban water supply, fire protection, air conditioning, industrial circulating water, etc.



Product Structure

The 700X water pump control valve is composed of valve body, valve cover, valve core, spring, diaphragm, guide pipe, and other components. The valve body and valve cover are made of cast iron material, the valve core is made of stainless steel material, the spring and diaphragm are made of high-strength rubber material, and the guide pipe is made of copper material. The valve has a compact structure, easy installation, and simple maintenance.



Product Working Principle

The 700X water pump control valve adopts hydraulic control technology to control the start and stop of water pumps and adjust the water flow rate by the lifting of the valve core. When the water pump stops working, the valve core descends, and the valve closes; when the water pump starts, the valve core rises, and the valve opens. At the same time, the valve opening can be achieved by adjusting the pressure of the spring.


1. 液压控制技术,启动平稳,调节精度高,可靠性强。

2. 阀门结构紧凑,安装方便,维护简单。

3. 阀门材料,耐腐蚀性能好,使用寿命长。

4. 阀门的开度可以通过调节弹簧的压力来实现,操作简单,灵活性强。

5. 适用于各种水泵系统,包括城市给水、消防、空调、工业循环水等。

Technical Features

1. Advanced hydraulic control technology, smooth start, high adjustment accuracy, and strong reliability.

2. Compact valve structure, easy installation, and simple maintenance.

3. High-quality valve materials, good corrosion resistance, and long service life.

4. The valve opening can be achieved by adjusting the pressure of the spring, which is easy to operate and has strong flexibility.

5. Suitable for various water pump systems, including urban water supply, fire protection, air conditioning, industrial circulating water, etc.


1. 高品质的产品,具有稳定的性能和长寿命。

2. 液压控制技术,启动平稳,调节精度高,可靠性强。

3. 阀门结构紧凑,安装方便,维护简单。

4. 阀门材料,耐腐蚀性能好,使用寿命长。

5. 阀门的开度可以通过调节弹簧的压力来实现,操作简单,灵活性强。

6. 适用于各种水泵系统,包括城市给水、消防、空调、工业循环水等。

Product Advantages

1. High-quality products with stable performance and long service life.

2. Advanced hydraulic control technology, smooth start, high adjustment accuracy, and strong reliability.

3. Compact valve structure, easy installation, and simple maintenance.

4. High-quality valve materials, good corrosion resistance, and long service life.

5. The valve opening can be achieved by adjusting the pressure of the spring, which is easy to operate and has strong flexibility.

6. Suitable for various water pump systems, including urban water supply, fire protection, air conditioning, industrial circulating water, etc.



1. 某城市给水系统:该系统采用700X水泵控制阀,实现了水泵的自动启停和水流量的调节,提高了系统的稳定性和安全性。

2. 某工业循环水系统:该系统采用700X水泵控制阀,实现了水泵的自动启停和水流量的调节,降低了能耗和维护成本。

3. 某消防系统:该系统采用700X水泵控制阀,实现了水泵的自动启停和水流量的调节,提高了系统的可靠性和安全性。

Application Cases

The 700X water pump control valve has been widely used in various industrial and civil fields. Here are some application cases:

1. A certain city water supply system: The system uses the 700X water pump control valve to achieve automatic start and stop of the water pump and adjust the water flow rate, improving the stability and safety of the system.

2. A certain industrial circulating water system: The system uses the 700X water pump control valve to achieve automatic start and stop of the water pump and adjust the water flow rate, reducing energy consumption and maintenance costs.

3. A certain fire protection system: The system uses the 700X water pump control valve to achieve automatic start and stop of the water pump and adjust the water flow rate, improving the reliability and safety of the system.




The 700X water pump control valve is a high-quality product with advanced hydraulic control technology, stable performance, and long service life. The valve is suitable for various water pump systems, including urban water supply, fire protection, air conditioning, industrial circulating water, etc. In practical applications, the valve has achieved good results and has been widely recognized and applied.



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