

品牌: biovision
产品型号: K1020-10
产品规格:  10 tubes 
起订: 1 盒
供货总量: 111 盒
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 苏州市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2016-09-23 16:31
浏览次数: 521
DiaEasy透析管(6-8KD/250ul)  DiaEasy TM Dialyzer (250 µl) MWCO 6-8 kDa     K1020-10 
DiaEasy透析管(6-8KD/250ul)  DiaEasy TM Dialyzer (250 µl) MWCO 6-8 kDa    K1020-25 
DiaEasy透析管(6-8KD/250ul)  DiaEasy TM Dialyzer (250 µl) MWCO 6-8 kDa     K1020-100 
Product Image
DiaEasy™ Dialyzer (250 µl) MWCO 6-8 kDa
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Product Overview
Product Name: DiaEasy™ Dialyzer (250 µl) MWCO 6-8 kDa

Product Highlights:
Most convenient, user friendly dialysis system on the market. Can be used for:
• Dialysis or buffer exchange of small volumes (50-800 µl).
• Extraction of proteins, RNA, DNA or oligonucleotides (>20 nt) from polyacrylamide, agarose or any gel matrix in any running buffer.
• Extraction of protein-protein, DNA-protein or RNA-protein complexes.
• Preparation of protein samples for MALDI-MS.
• 2D gel dots extraction. 
• Sample concentration.

Biovision’s DiaEasy™ dialyzer (6-8 kDa MWCO) can combines two modes of action, 1) dialysis or buffer exchange at sample volumes between 10-250 µl and 2) electro-elution of macromolecules from polyacrylamide or agarose gel. They can also be used for several other purposes as shown below. This device allows rapid and high performance at either mode and extracts the macromolecules without any contamination. The DiaEasy™ tube’s membrane is ultra-clean, sulfur and heavy metal free and EDTA-treated which makes it suitable for molecular biology experiments. These tubes are autoclaved and bacteria free. The DiaEasy™ tubes allow rapid, secure and simple loading and recovery. They are very high performance dialysis tubes and are the most convenient, user friendly dialysis system on the market. The sample quality after dialysis can be checked by several assays commonly used for proteins and nucleic acids.

Storage Temp.:

gel pack

Usage: For Research Use Only! Not For Use in Humans.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do these tubes need pre-treatment prior to use?
These tubes are in ready to use format. There is no need to cut it into different sizes. It also comes with its own caps for easy sealing after sample addition and to prevent any leakage. Just fill the tube with dH2O for 5 min prior to use for equilibration, decant and use with your sample.

How does dialysis work with these tubes?
It works on the same principle as the outdated-dialysis tubing. It involves diffusion of dissolved solutes across a selecively permeable membrane against a concentration gradient in an effort to achieve equilibrium. While small solutes pass through the membrane larger solutes are trapped on one side, resulting on prification/concentration of the solutes/proteins

How long does it take for the dialysis to complete with these tubes?
Many factors affect the rate dialysis, including: diffusion coefficients, pH, temperature, concentration of samples, sample volume, buffer volume, number of dialysate/buffer changes, membrane surface area, molecular charges and dialysate/buffer agitation (stirring) etc. Therefore there is no set time for the dialysis. In general, low-molecular weight salts and buffers (e.g., Tris HCl and KPO4) equilibrate within 3 hours. Each of other factors might result in increase of this time.

What is the volume of buffer required to perform dialysis?
We recommend typically 100 to 1000-fold buffer volume to that of the the sample. The total volume will depend on the number of buffer exchanges you perform.

How often does the buffer need to be changed during dialysis with these tubes?
In general you can change buffers after every 3-4 hours of your dialysis. The last buffer cahnge can be left O/N, making it 2-3 changes in a one day period.

You have tubes with mutiple MWCOs. How do I selec the right one for my protein?
Your selection of the tubes can depend on different criteria. If you are looking for the fastest dialysis rate, choose a tube with the highest MWCO, such that this MWCO is still lower than the MW of the protein of interest. But if you are aiming of highest sample recovery, we recommend using a tube with half the MWCO relative to the MW of the desired protein. The MWCO can also be dependant on the size of the impurity you are trying to get rid of.

I have always used the long dialysis tubing by cutting the desired length. What is the advantage I get out of using BioVisions dialysis tubes?
There are multiple advantages to using BioVisions tubes:
-These tubes come with caps, so you don’t have to worry about clasping the tubes on both sides. Additionally the caps minimize any leaks.
-These tubes also come with floating racks which make them ver convenient to use, since they can easily be held upright in the buffer.
-You do not have to worry about these tubes dry out, since most of them do not come in a buffer.
-These tubes can be stored at room temp.
-In addition these tubes can also be used for electro-elution.

Should I worry about these tubes drying out?
Most of our dialysis tubes product line is buffer free and can be stored at room temp. Therefore ther is no risk of these tubes drying. We recommend that you equilibrate the tubes with water right before use, to avoid any drying of the wetted membranes, since this can lead to multiple adverse effects including changes in pore size, brittle membranes and leakage.

What is the shelf life of these tubes?
These tubes are good at least for 36 months from the ship date at room temperature.

Can we re-use the same tubes with multiple proteins?
We recommend that you use these as single-use tubes. Multiple use may lead to contamination of your samples.

What kind of buffers can be used with these dialysis tubes?
There are no restrictions on the buffers you can use with these tubes. Keep the buffer pH range between 6-8. Try minimizing plain water use as a buffer, since water can migrate in or out of the tubes under a large difference in osmotic pressure and can result in collapse or bursting of the membrane.

My sample has a high salt conc. What buffer conc would you recommend using?
We recommend performing dialysis against a low salt concentration buffer if possible.Try to reduce the order of magnitude of solute (protein) concentration by a factor of 10 to 1 at each buffer exchange; i.e. dialyze a sample with 3 M NaCl against a buffer with 300 mM NaCl.

What MWCO dialysis tubes are vaialble from bioVision?
We have dialysis tubes with different MWCOs:
-1 kDa
-3.5 kDa
-6-8 kDa
-12-14 kDa
-25 kDa 
-50 kDa

What volumes of samples can we use with BioVisions doalysis tubes?
We have dialysis tubes for different volumes of samples:
-10-250 µl
-50-800 µl
-0.1-3 ml
-10 ml
-15 ml
-20 ml

I am just staring out a project and want to try out your tubes. Ara ethere small sets available?
Yes, whether you are just starting out or need these tubes from HTS, we have sets catering to different needs. We have tubes in sets of 10, 25 and 100 tubes.


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