

品牌: 创仑
产品型号: 创仑
产品规格: 10T/盒
检测标本: 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-05-25 14:48
浏览次数: 271













货号 项目名称 包装规格 标准 检测样本
JL-TX092 孔雀石绿快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX093 氯霉素快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX094 呋喃唑酮代谢物快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX095 呋喃西林代谢物快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX096 呋喃妥因快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX097 呋喃它酮快速检测卡 10份/ 国标  鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX098 青霉素快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX099 β-内酰胺类快速检测卡 10份/ 国标  鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX100 β-内酰胺类+磺胺快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX101 β-内酰胺类+磺胺+四环素快速检测卡 10份/ 国标  鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX102 β-内酰胺酶类快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX103 链霉素快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX104 庆大霉素快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX105 头孢菌素快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX106 头孢噻呋快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX107 泰乐菌素快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX108 新霉素快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX109 红霉素快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX110 喹诺酮类快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX111 四环素快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX112 磺胺二甲氧嘧碇快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本
JL-TX113 磺胺喹恶啉快速检测卡 10份/ 国标 鱼、虾等水产组织样本



【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司

【市  部】 13802525278 020-82574011  杨永汉

【公司传真】 020-32206070

【腾讯Q Q】 2042552662

【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103室

PCR method is simple, high sensitivity, can detect as little as 0.1pg of the target DNA. Has been widely used in a variety of pathogenic microorganisms and parasites detection.

Anaerobic bacteria in the case of aerobic can not grow. To cultivate anaerobic bacteria, we must create an anaerobic environment. Reducing agents are usually added to the medium, or the free oxygen in the environment is physically and chemically removed to reduce the redox potential. Such as blister medium, sodium thioacetate medium, bovine heart infusion medium. There are many commonly used methods of anaerobic culture, can be selected according to the actual situation. The company is located in:

1. Anaerobic tank method inoculated specimens of flat or liquid culture tube, can be placed in anaerobic cylinder culture, anaerobic cylinder is an ordinary drying cylinder, the use of physical and chemical methods to make the cylinder anaerobic environment, which will be anaerobic Bacteria cultured.

2. Anaerobic bag (Bio-bag) Anaerobic environment in plastic bags to create anaerobic bacteria. The plastic bag is transparent and gas-impermeable with a built-in gas generator tube (sodium bicarbonate with sodium borohydride and 5% citric acid ampoule), Meilan indicator tube, palladium catalyst tube and desiccant. Into a good tablet has been vaccinated, try to squeeze out the bag of air, and then sealed bag. Break the gas tube first, and then break the Meilan indicator tube, resulting in an airless environment within half an hour named the bag. If no mutation indicates that the bag has reached anaerobic status, you can incubate.

3. Anaerobie glove box is one of the best instruments for culturing anaerobic bacteria in the world so far. It is a large enclosed metal case with a transparent panel in the front of the plexiglass and two gloves on the plate that can be operated in a glove box. Side of the box has a swap room, with two doors inside and outside, inside the door closed first. To put into the box, first open the outer door, into the exchange room, close the outer door for exhaust and ventilation (H2, CO2, N2) to anaerobic condition, and then hand into the glove to open the exchange room door, the items Move into the box and close the inner door. The anaerobic state of the box, but also the use of hydrogen in the gas in the palladium catalyst and the tank residual oxidation of water to the principle of oxidation. The box can adjust the temperature, the incubator or incubator itself is attached to it, but also into the anatomical microscope for observation of anaerobic colonies, this anaerobic box suitable for a large number of anaerobic bacteria culture studies, a large number of culture base can be put into pre-reduction and anaerobic sterility test. metal hard anaerobic chamber of the suction, inflation, anaerobic environment and temperature are automatically adjusted.


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